Raven’s Cry Theatre – Facility Specifications
Our Facilities & Accessibility:
Seating: 274 seats
Up to 4 wheelchair spaces
Two dressing rooms and a large greenroom
Unique & Original Art pieces on display in the lobby
Steinway Concert Grand Piano
Technical Info:
Stage: Hardwood sprung floor (suitable for dance)
Floorspace: Apron to cyc: 29 ft.
Proscenium opening: 34 ft. (fixed)
Main curtain to cyc: 24.5 ft.
Wings extended: 12.4 ft.
Height limits: 18 ft. per side

Our non-fly tower stage has a fully functioning counterweight system to allow drops, etc., to be flown out to a maximum high trim of 20 ft. to the bottom of the grid.
Soundcraft Delta 8 Channel mixer with 2 monitor outputs
Clear Com Intercom
8 professional quality all-purpose microphones and stands
4 Deavy D.I. boxes
Q.S.C. 1200 watts house amplification
BOSE 802 Loudspeakers
Lee Colortran Status 24/48 lighting board
80 lighting instruments including Lekos, Ellipsoidals, Fresnels and Cyc fixtures
Full traditional stage lighting
LCD Projector
DCP Projector with 5.1 Dolby Digital sound
Seating Plan:
Raven’s Cry Theatre Seating Plan
Raven’s Cry Theatre hosts a wide variety of Artistic, Business and Charitable events
throughout the year… everything that supports our wonderful community.
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Raven’s Cry Theatre
5555 Sunshine Coast Hwy
Sechelt, Sunshine Coast BC